Alliance Wholesale Cigar Distributor
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Larutan cigars are crafted using the finest Nicaraguan leaf combined with exotic tobaccos from all over the world including places like Syria, Turkey, and St. James Parish. Each frontmark has its own individual blend making for its own unique experience ranging from mild to bold. What that really means id these cigars are the bomb, light them up and watch everyone around start asking you if you have an extra stick. The pleasant aroma is a scent pleaser for sure!
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Larutan, Egg Maduro
6 x 54, 1 per box
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Strength: | Medium |
Origin: | Nicaragua |
Actual Wrapper: | Maduro |
Wrapper Category: | Maduro |
Shape: | Straight |
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Larutan, Egg
6 x 54, 1 per box
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Strength: | Medium |
Origin: | Nicaragua |
Actual Wrapper: | Colorado Claro |
Wrapper Category: | Natural |
Shape: | Straight |
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